Dee & Conner
When Ben and I were scouting for this shoot, we expected an 8 mile hike but it ended up being 15 miles total, and we ALMOST turned around right before actually arriving at the hot springs because it was getting dark. I’m so glad we went the extra turn. For the actual session two days later I ended up renting a snowmobile to lighten the load on Dee and Conner, so that we wouldn’t be exhausted by the time we started shooting.
Dee and Conner were crazy enough to hop on a snowmobile with me, (my first time driving one!), drive through closed roads to the trail head, and then hike the remaining 5 miles to the springs. I’m so grateful they trusted me through all of this. The reward at the end was pretty freaking amazing! If anyone out there is considering a hot springs couple session, get in touch asap, we’ll make it happen!
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